Group News

      Congratulations to Madeline. She has been selected in a national competition as one of the four winners of the 2024 Eastern Analytical Symposium Graduate Student Research Award. She will accept the award in November in Plainsboro, NJ at the Eastern Analytical Symposium, where she has also been invited to present a poster. -June 2024

      Emily and Madeline will be doing summer internships at Texas Instruments Inc. and 3M respectively. Wishing them a successful summer! -June 2024

    Zubaer passes his oral preliminary examination (OPE) and becomes a PhD candidate in the Bühlmann group! - May 2024  

   Professor Bühlmann has been awarded the President's Award for Outstanding Service. This is awarded each year in the spring and recognizes exceptional service to the University, its schools, colleges, departments, and service units by any active or retired faculty or staff member. Congratulations Phil! - April 2024 

    Xin Dong defended her thesis on March 26th and will start working in Werfen, Bedford, MA, continuing to work with electrochemical sensors in the diagnostics field. Congratulations, Dr. Dong, on successfully defending your thesis! - March 2024 

      Congratulations to Emily on the award for her poster presented at the Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy! - February 2024  

       Welcome, Nhi Tran and Jess Beaudoin to the Buhlmann group! - November 2023

      Eliza defended her thesis on October 13th and will start working in bioMérieux, San Jose, California! Congratulations, Dr. Herrero, on successfully defending your thesis! - October 2023         

       Rok defended his thesis on September 8th and will start working in South Korea for Samsung. Congratulations, Dr. Choi on a successful Ph.D.!  - September 2023

        Congratulations, Kuzie on earning their Masters's Degree and becoming PhD candidate. Great job! - June 2023

Professor Phil received the 2023 ACS Minnesota Award! Professor Phil was named this year's award recipient for his outstanding work as a researcher, research adviser, and mentor. The award took into account Professor Phil's work that goes beyond the productive program and involves outreach activities, the development of teaching aids, and his work as the director of graduate studies performed for eight years. Professor Blank described Professor Buhlmann as the "definition of quality, excellence, innovation, leadership, and commitment in chemistry!" Congratulations, Phil!

Welcome, Zubaer to the Buhlmann group! March 2023

   Celeste defended her thesis on December 5th and will start working in Cincinnati as her next step. Congratulations, Dr. Rousseau on a successful Ph.D.! Your legacy will live on - December 2022

     Congratulations to Eliza for winning the outstanding presentation research presentation award for her presentation at the National Diversity in STEM conference in San Juan. Well done, Eliza!! - October 2022

     Congratulations to Emily for winning the Robert L Ferm Outstanding TA Award for excellence in teaching General Chemistry! We are incredibly proud of you!  - September 2022

     Blair defended her thesis on June 29 and will start working at the University of Wisconsin River Falls. Congratulations, Dr. Troudt, on a successful PhD! - June 2022

   Ali passed his Oral Prelim Exams, earning their Masters's Degree and becoming PhD candidate. Great job! - June 2022

    We were happy to host the University of California, Berkeley scholar Payton Goodrich for a visit. It was a great pleasure! - June 2022

  Madeline and Emily passed their Oral Prelim Exams, earning their Masters Degrees and becoming PhD candidates. Great job!   - January 2022

   We are happy to host our visiting researcher Takumi Goto! Takumi is an M.Sc.student at the Shibaura Institute of Technology in Japan. He will be working with Eliza for  4 months on the project Two Dimensional Electroanalytical Sensor. Welcome, Takumi! - November 2021.  

   The Buhlmann group is so happy to welcome our first year Kuzie on board! Welcome Kuzie! - November 2021

  Eliza's and Phil's recent paper Potentiometric Sensors with Polymeric Sensing and Reference Membranes Fully Integrated into a Sample-Wicking Polyester Textile got cover feature by Analysis & Sensing on their most recent issue. How cool that cover feature looks! Great job Eliza and Phil!

  Welcome, Pal Kishonti to the Buhlmann group! Pali is a MSc student in the group of Dr. Lajos Höfler at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary. He will spend the fall 2021 semester at the UMN, taking courses but also working in the Buhlmann lab working on a directed research project. Hope you have a great time with us!

  Congratulations to former group member Dr. Paul Boswell, who is now company owner of Spintronics, a puzzle game where players discover electronics in a tangible way, using the first physical representation of electronic circuits. Check out his video here!

  Congratulations to Eliza for winning the Paul and Gerda Gassman Award at the 3rd-year Graduate Research Symposium!

  Congratulations to Blair and Eliza for winning poster awards for the SEAC poster session at PittCon 2021!

  Welcome, Ali who joined the group and will be co-advised by Professor Marc Hillmyer! (Apr 2021)

  Vilma and Xin passed their Oral Prelim Exams, earning their Masters Degrees and becoming PhD candidates. Good job!

  Former group member Kangping Xiao just published a book entitled Analytical Scientists in Pharmaceutical Product Development: Task Management and Practical Knowledge. Nice job Kangping!

  Welcome, Madeline and Emily, who joined the group in Nov 2020!

  Eliza was featured in Chemistry and Engineering News Weekly as an ACS Scholar Alumna. Well done! Read more here.

  Celeste and Blair attend the first-ever Society of Electroanalytical Chemistry student group meeting at Pitt Con. They presented posters at PittCon2020, and Blair won a poster session award-Congrats! Phil also gave a talk in the Ionophore session. Good job!

  Eliza and Kwangrok passed their Oral Prelim Exams earning their Masters Degrees and becoming PhD candidates. Good job!

  Welcome, Vilma and Xin who just joined the Buhlmann Group! Nov. 2019

  Xin successfully defended his thesis on July 29th. Congratulations Xin! He will be working at Dupont in Boston. 

  Phil has been chosen as a 2019 ACS Fellow. Congratulations Phil! Read about the honor here

  Evan successfully defended his thesis on June 27th. Congratulations Evan!

  Welcome to our summer researchers: Katie, John, Madeline, and Xin. 

  Celeste has been chosen as a recipient of the ThinkSwiss Fellowship. She will work at the University of Geneva with Dr. Eric Bakker for three months starting in September 2019. Congratulations! Check out this link for more info.

  Celeste and Eliza received the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program fellowship. Congratulations!  

  Celeste and Blair passed their Oral Prelim Exams earning their Masters Degrees and becoming PhD candidates.

  Welcome  Kwangrok, Casey and Eliza who just joined the Buhlmann Group! Nov. 2018

  Congratulations to Xin on receiving a job offer! He will begin working at Dow in the Boston area this summer.

  Three summer researchers from the group presented posters at the Summer Undergraduate Research Expo. High school students, Chittra Xiong and Fatima Abdihoosh, presented their projects for the SEED program with mentor Celeste. Undergraduate Pablo Samaniego presented his research with mentor Evan.

  Phil was awarded the 2018 Janet Tarino Volunteer Award from MN ACS. Read more about it here

  Congratulations to Yao on receiving a job offer! He will begin working at KLA-Tencor in the San Francisco area at the end of October.

  Xue defended her thesis on May 22 and will start working at Boston Scientific on June 4. May, 2018

  Congratulations to Jinbo on receiving the 2018 Graduate School's "Best Dissertation Award" in Physical Sciences & Engineering and the 2017 Award for Doctoral Thesis Excellence in Chemistry! May, 2018

  Congratulations to Evan on receiving a Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship for the 2018-19 academic year! April, 2018

  We received a fall 2017 safe lab award from the Joint Safety Team. Well done everyone! Mar. 2018

  Welcome, Blair and Celeste who just joined the Buhlmann group! Nov. 2017

  Congratulations to Evan on winning the MUACC Poster Award! Oct. 2017

  Congratulations to Evan! His article "Self-Supporting, Hydrophobic, Ionic Liquid-Based Reference Electrodes Prepared by Polymerization-Induced Microphase Separation" has been selected as an ACS Editors' Choice highlight. Sep. 2017

  Prof. Buhlmann's suggestions for addressing mental health in graduate programs are now featured in "Surviving and Thriving in Higher Education YouTube Channel" in a video entitled "Depression in Higher Education-How Common is it?". Professor Philippe Buhlmann has long advocated for improving mental health in graduate studies, a subject that is usually taboo and not properly addressed. He sends an important message that we all need to be open about discussing mental health issues such as depression and anxiety and need to realize that depression and anxiety are not a sign of weakness and can affect a diverse range of people in academics. See the video at

Congratulations to Xin on receiving the Beaker and Bunsen award for his research presentation at the 16th annual Graduate Student Research Symposium! June 2017

Congratulations to Jinbo on receiving a job offer from Emerson! May, 2017

Congratulations to Evan on receiving an American Chemical Society Division of Analytical Chemistry Graduate Fellowship (ACS-DAC) for summer 2017!

Congratulations to Jinbo on winning the best poster award at the poster session of the Twin Cities Section of the Electrochemical Society! April, 2017

Philippe Buhlmann has been named a 3M/Alumni Professor! January, 2017

Congratulations to Lizzie on successfully defending her thesis! August, 2016

Congratulations to Evan on winning a 3rd-year fellowship! August, 2016

Phil, Maral, Jinbo and Xue traveled to Atlanta to present research at Pittcon! March 2016

Maral successfully defended her thesis! Congratulations Dr. Mousavi! January 2016

Jesse successfully defended his thesis! Congratulations Dr. Carey! December 2015

Congratulations to Xue on winning a 3rd-year fellowship! Way to go! August 2015

Jinbo won his 3rd-year talk on the 14th Annual Graduate Student Research Symposium June 2015 

Jinbo presented his research at Bell Labs' Nobel Prize Celebration and U.S. Future X Days. April 2015 

Phil, Jesse, Maral, and Jinbo traveled to New Orleans to present their research at Pittcon! March 2015

Research paper published on Anal. Chem. featured work done by our high school researcher Kieu Ho. Nice job Kieu! February 2015 

Xue passes her oral exam, becoming a Ph. D candidate and earning a Masters Degree in January 2015

Dr. T. Madhusudana Reddy Ph.D. Assistant Professor at
Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, India, Arrives for his sabbatical from January 2015 to January 2016

First year graduate students Evan Anderson and Xin Chen join the group November 2014

Shogo Ogawar returns to Japan October 2014

Maral wins a Graduate Student Research Award from the Eastern Analytical Symposium June 2014

Jinbo Hu presents his research at IPRIM (Industrial Partnership for Research in Interfacial and Materials Engineering at the University of Minnesota) 
winning Best Poster for the Nanostructural Materials and Processes program May 2014

Dr. T. Madhusudana Reddy Ph.D. Assistant Professor at
Sri Venkateswara University,
Tirupati, India, will be visiting us for a sabbatical from October 2014 to November 2015

Hiromasa Ishigaki returns to Japan, May 2014

Xu Zou begins his new job in Seattle at Peripheral Visions Inc. May 2014

Xu Zou successfully defends his Ph.D. thesis May 2014

Graduate student Hiromasa Ishigaki from Wakayama University in Japan, arrives to study with the Buhlmann group for 2 months March 2014

Several Buhlmann group members presented at Pittcon this year. Adam Dittmer, Jesse Carey, Maral Mousavi, and Xu Zou presented posters on their research. Maral and Phil also give oral presentations March 2014

Maral receives SEAC Travel award February 2014

Jinbo Hu passes his oral examinations, earning his Masters Degrees and becoming a Ph.D. candidate, June 2012 December 2013

Yao Zhang and  Xue Zhen have joined the Buhlmann Research Group, November 2013

Group pumpkin carving fun, pictures. October 2013

Jinbo Hu passes his written exam October 2013

Website redesign, most of the pages will be updated over the course of the next week October 2013

Phil presents a talk at the Midwestern Universities Analytical Chemistry Conference at University of Notre Dame October 2013

Koichi returns to Japan. October 2013

Goodbye group lunch outing for Koichi. October 2013

Shogo Ogawar from Hitachi Corp. Japan, arrived to spend 1 year researching with the Buhlmann group. September 2013

Two Papers from the Buhlmann group in the same issue of Analytical chemistry, Maral's paper is an Editors' Highlight, September 2013

Xu receives a 2013-2014 Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship September 2013

Maral receives the 2013-2014 Excellence Fellowship-Graham N. Gleysteen Fellowship in Chemistry September 2013

Buhlmann group receives 'Best Poster Award' at 2013 Grad Student Orientation Poster Session August 2013

Group Canoe outing at Taylors Falls see pics here June 2013

Adam, Jesse and Maral present their research at the Annual Graduate Student Research Symposium June 2013

Phil Buhlmann is appointed full Professor May 2013

Phil Buhlmann and Xu Zou give oral presentations on their research at Pittcon, Jesse Carey, Adam Dittmer, Maral Mousavi, and Xu Zou present posters about their research March 2013

Secil Koseoglu begins here postdoctoral research with Prof. Robert Flaumenhaft at Harvard Medical School, January 2013

End of Year party at Phil's December 2013

Secil Koseoglu successfully defends her Ph.D. thesis, December 2012

Jinbo Hu and  Yue Fiona Qi have joined the Buhlmann Research Group, November 2012

Koichi Nishimura of Hitachi Corp. Japan, arrived to spend 1 year researching with the Buhlmann group. October 2012

Aniko returns to Hungary, we will miss you! September 2012

Phil becomes the Director of Graduate Studies for the Department of Chemistry, July 2012

Eric Olson starts his Post Doc with Dr. Yogish Kudva (Mayo Clinic, Endocrinology Department) and Professor Steve Koester (University Minnesota, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering), July 2012

Eric Olson successfully defends his Ph. D thesis, July 2012

Maral Mousavi passes her oral examinations, earning her Masters Degrees and becoming a Ph.D. candidate, June 2012

Xu Presents his research at the Annual Graduate Student Research Symposium June 2012

Undergraduate researchers: Jason Brennan, Rajvi Mehta, Alli Blonski, Andrew Szeliga graduate. Congratulations!, May 2012

Li Chen leaves to starts work at United Science, May 2012

Li Chen successfully defends her Ph.D. thesis, May 2012

Li Chen, Elizabeth Lugert-Thom and Eric Olson participate in graduation ceremonies, April 2012

Maral Mousavi passes her written exam, April 2012

Adam Dittmer and Jesse Carey pass their oral examinations, earning their Masters Degrees and becoming Ph.D. candidates, March 2012

Phil honored at the University Innovations 2012 celebration event, March 2012 News Article

A new section has been added to the site featuring this and other news articles featuring the Buhlmann Group

Introductory Tutorial on Ion-Selective Electrodes!

Philippe Buhlmann's and Li D. Chen's recent review and tutorial: Ion-Selective Electrodes With Ionophore-Doped Sensing Membranes covers topics essential for graduate students or others starting work in the field of ion selective electrodes. It also contains a review of recent work in this field.

A PDF can be downloaded here.

This review will be a chapter in the eight-volume book series: Supramolecular Chemistry: From Molecules to Nanomaterials, which will be available soon.

Ion-Selective Electrodes With Ionophore-Doped Sensing Membranes. In Supramolecular Chemistry: From Molecules to Nanomaterials; Steed, A. W., Ed, Gale P., Ed; John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: New York, 2012; Vol. 5, 2539. (

Dr. Ibrahim Yilmaz returns to Turkey, November 2011

Jesse Carey passes his written exam November 2011

Adam Dittmer passes his written exam October 2011

Masafumi Miyake returns to Japan October 2011

Li visits China for her traditional Chinese wedding. September 2011

Aniko our new postdoc arrives from Hungary! September 2011

Tiantian Zhang returned to China. August 2011

Eric gets married! Congratulations!! June 2011

Lando student, Sarah Nelson, from St. Catherine University, joins the group for the summer. June 2011

Maral Mousavi joined the Buhlmann Research Group. May 2011

Fun with Group Bowling. February 2011

Dr. Ibrahim Yilmaz, of Turkey, joined the Buhlmann Research Group. January 2011

Xu Zou successfully defended his Oral examination and was accepted in the Doctoral program! January 2011

Jesse Carey has joined the Buhlmann Research Group. December 2010

Adam Dittmer joins the Buhlmann Research Group. December 2010

David Gingery successfully defends his Ph. D. Thesis. December 2010

Xu Zou passed his written examination. November 2010

Masafumi Miyake, of Hitachi Corp. Japan, arrived to spend 1 year researching with the Buhlmann group. October 2010

Scott Thorgaard begins his Post Doc work in Allen J. Bard's group at the University of Texas, Austin. October 2010

Scott Thorgaard successfully defends his Ph. D thesis.. October 2010

ChunZe Lai and Dong Wang move to Princeton NJ. September 2010

Li gets married! Congratulations!! August 2010

ChunZe Lai successfully defended her Ph.D thesis. June 2010

Lizzie gets married! Congratulations! November 2009

Xu Zou has joined the Buhlmann Research Group. November 2009

Phil has returned from Japan, July 31, 2009

Tiantian arrives from Sichuan University as a visiting student for 2 years September 2009

Yusuke Sato, a student from University of Tokyo, visits for 3 weeks March 2009

Annie left to New Jersey for her start of new life. Take care, Annie. June 25, 2009

Secil presented her work in 3rd Year Graduate Student Symposium. June 2, 2009

Chunze received Honorable Mention for Graduate Fellowship of American Chemical Society-Division of Analytical Chemistry, 2009~2010, May 2009

Phil has escaped to Japan on his sabbatical! March-July 2009

Mary Messner successfully defended her Master's Thesis March 2009

Numerous group members attend PittCon 2009, Chicago IL

Chunze presents her first oral presentation! Lizzie, Li, Secil, and Laura (undergrad) present posters in the Ionophore-Based ISE section.

Yusuke Sato, a student from University of Tokyo, visits for 3 weeks March 2009

Eric passes his Oral Examination to become a Ph. D. Candidate

Congratulations! January 2009

Chinese New Year Dumpling Party!- Oh...I'm stuffed. :-) January 2009

Li passes her Oral Examination to become a Ph. D. Candidate

Congratulations! January 2009

Chunze's JACS paper is accepted December 2008

Eric and Li pass their Written Examinations November 2008

Lizzie gets engaged! Oct 2008

xin defense
 Congratulations to Emily on the award for her poster presented at the Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy!
Elizas defense
roks defense
celeste defense with phil
Eliza won award in sacnas
Emily won an award for outstanding TA
The Buhlmann group at Blair's defense. Great job Blair!
Image of the paper published as cover feature
After Xin's Thesis Defense
Evan defends his thesis
Safey lab!
why flourous

Folwell Component

why flourous